The Canadian Reform Jewish movement is deeply committed to Tikkun Olam – to helping the disadvantaged, fighting discrimination in all its forms, caring for our world and creating a more just and caring society. The National Tikkun Olam Steering Group, under the umbrella of the Reform Jewish Community of Canada (RJCC), has been established to support our efforts locally, regionally and nationally.
Our community is inspired by the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam — mending the brokenness in the world. We take action to heal our world, extending compassion and justice within, and beyond the Jewish community wherever we are in Canada. Reform congregations and leaders have been at the forefront of social justice initiatives and interfaith understanding across Canada. Our values are very much Canadian values.
• Our congregations across Canada, now in concert with our National Tikkun Olam Steering Committee, and in partnership with the URJ — Religious Action Centre (RAC), are working to combat racism and other forms of discrimination including anti-Semitism, to engage in meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous communities, to address poverty and inequality, taking action on environment and climate change. For a list of upcoming programs from URJ’s REDI (Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Team CLICK HERE.
• You will find our congregations and members feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, welcoming and sponsoring refugee families, from the 1980’s refugees from Vietnam to recent refugees from Syria and elsewhere. In 2017 the Reform Jewish Community of Canada introduced a motion adopted by the whole of the URJ to respond to the global refugee crisis
• Our community has long taken a leadership role in building bridges to other faith communities across Canada, from historic relationships to current collaborative projects with shared values of social responsibility, and reciprocal education activities. For more information email us!